domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

P.E. Project: Representation of the Olympic Games.

Our group had to present these sports: Gymnastic Rythmics, Boxing, Rowing, Fencing and Basketball.

Here is our music (I have some problems, so I will try to upload it later, sooooorry)

Hope you enjoy!

And I will update our performance soon :)


Hello! I'm going to interview one of my dance teachers; María Jose Acejo, known as 'Coke'.

- So, Coke, when did you start to dance?
+ Well, I started to dance only with 3 years old, and in that moment I started to prepare my professional life in Danza Española and Clasic Dance.

- And when did you finish your career?
+ I finished it in 1998, in the Professional Dance Conservatory of Málaga, with honors.

- What was your best expierence in the dance world?
+ Oh, I think I had a lot of good experiences and I had learn a lot from them. For example, in 1999 I was chosen in the first Taller Flamenco of the Andalusian company of Mr. José Antonio Ruiz, from 3 years and I have worked with some of the best dancers in the world like: Aurora Bosh, Antonio el Pipa...

- Wow! That's incredible! And, what about your Professional Dance School 'Alvarycoke'?
+ In 2004 we, Alvaro Mendez (my husband) and me, opened it in La Macarena. Now we have another school in Tomares, and we have a lot of good dancers.
- That's really good! Do you work there?
+ Yes, we both do it but I also work in the Professional Dance Conservatory of Málaga.

-  Now, the last question, why are you known as 'Coke'?
+ That's a good question, haha. It is because since I was young, everybody called me like that, and now people still do it, we can say it's my professional name.

-Thanks a lot, bye and see you soon :)

PS: I hope you like my little inteview to my great teacher!

Spanish team of Rhythmic gymnastics.


Carolina Rodríguez Ballesteros

    She was born on the 24th of May n 1986. She started in this sport at the age of 8. And in that time she won several competitions.
In 2001 she entered in the Spanish team individually and in 2003 in groups.
This year she is the one who reprents Spain in the Olympic Games.


Sandra Aguilar 
Elena López Benaches

Alejandra Quereda  

Lidia Redondo
Loreto Achaerandio  

Lourdes Mohedano  

Rhythmic gymnastics.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a discipline that combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance and the use of various devices such as rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon.
We can distinguish two types: individual and groups.

- History:
This sport was born in Sovietic Union in 1930. At the beggining only women could practice it but nowadays men also do it (but there aren't competitions for them). The modern rhythmic gymnastics was developed in the late 1950's. 
In 1984 it was included as an olimpic discipline but it was not until 1996 that groups could compite in the Olympic Games.

- Equipment:


- Bases
This sport can be practiced individually, in groups of 5, 4, 3 gymnasts or even in pairs.

In official competitions groups currently consist of 5 members. They can use 5 equal devices or 3 equal and 2 different. The duration of the exercise must be 2'30 minutes and an individual must be 1'30 minutes.


Hi there! :) I would like to tell you how this project is about. Well, first of all, we made groups and then we decided on what country we were working on. Ours was Madagascar, we have chosen it  because we found it interesting and different. After looking for different meals on Madagascar we decided to try a compote of fruit because it was the esasiest one and also the healthiest. We did a great job! and it was delicious :)

Here a video explaining how to do it: