domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Hello! I'm going to interview one of my dance teachers; María Jose Acejo, known as 'Coke'.

- So, Coke, when did you start to dance?
+ Well, I started to dance only with 3 years old, and in that moment I started to prepare my professional life in Danza Española and Clasic Dance.

- And when did you finish your career?
+ I finished it in 1998, in the Professional Dance Conservatory of Málaga, with honors.

- What was your best expierence in the dance world?
+ Oh, I think I had a lot of good experiences and I had learn a lot from them. For example, in 1999 I was chosen in the first Taller Flamenco of the Andalusian company of Mr. José Antonio Ruiz, from 3 years and I have worked with some of the best dancers in the world like: Aurora Bosh, Antonio el Pipa...

- Wow! That's incredible! And, what about your Professional Dance School 'Alvarycoke'?
+ In 2004 we, Alvaro Mendez (my husband) and me, opened it in La Macarena. Now we have another school in Tomares, and we have a lot of good dancers.
- That's really good! Do you work there?
+ Yes, we both do it but I also work in the Professional Dance Conservatory of Málaga.

-  Now, the last question, why are you known as 'Coke'?
+ That's a good question, haha. It is because since I was young, everybody called me like that, and now people still do it, we can say it's my professional name.

-Thanks a lot, bye and see you soon :)

PS: I hope you like my little inteview to my great teacher!

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